For Parents

Ascent college provides an engaging and exciting careers and employability curriculum which meets the differing needs and requirements of our students. Individual, bespoke student pathways are developed collaboratively which each student to take into account their aspirations, skills and abilities

ADD Careers programme

At Ascent college the provider access policy endeavours to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and are able to access information on technical options and apprenticeships

Links to PAL and policy

Understanding of the world of work

Employability (including work experience) provides students with an understanding of the world of work and to gain knowledge, skills and understanding to achieve, wherever possible, work-related post- Ascent destinations.

Ascent Specialist College complies with the Gatsby Benchmarks and provides a robust and high-quality framework for employability guidance.
We recognise that we have embarked on a journey to excellence in employability guidance.

Whilst all the Benchmarks are important we place particular value on gaining experiences in the workplace and employer encounters, which have historically presented additional barriers to students with autism.

We follow a graduated approach to work experience through skill building, internal experience, volunteering, work experience and supported internships.
For more information you can contact our Employer engagement officer

Vocational learning hub

Supported Internships


Career guidance

The Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Lead is Steve Hogarth who works closely with the Ascent College staff and students.
Careers learning centres on working with our partners to enable our students to understand themselves, obtain information, explore opportunities and develop the skills they need to manage their own development and make life choices and decisions about their future. Student destinations range from supported living options, supported internships to full-time jobs or Higher Education. These life choices benefit their own mental health and wellbeing and contribute to the wellbeing of others.
Students complete a personal vocational profile as they focus more on action planning and breaking down the barriers to future positive outcomes that include employment. Students use vocational profiles, skills audits, advice and guidance (internal and external through Careers Connect), talking mats, communication aids, and PECS.
Regular student tutorials are timetabled and incorporate impartial advice from Career Connect Advisers.
Ascent College’s robust employability/careers programme (including work experience) provides our young adults with an understanding of the world of work and empowers them to gain the knowledge, skills, understanding and most importantly the resilience to achieve (wherever possible) work-related post-college destinations.
For more information contact the CEIAG lead

Please see the links below that provide further information and support.

Employment and Training:


Post 16 provision

St Helens
Post 16
Supported for Internships




Portal – Lancashire Careers Information

General info links

Info about Levels and Qualifications:

Student Life

Ascent College open morning Friday 22nd November at 10.00-11.30 am

Ascent College will be hosting an Open Morning for families who are looking for a post 16 or post 19 autism specialist educational provision for 2025. This will take place on Friday 22nd November at 10.00-11.30 am. If you are interested & would like to reserve a...